
Scripted Ink. announces development funding for Michelle Offen & Kristen Dunphy

Scripted Ink is thrilled to announce development investment in Traces of Nuts, a ten-part, half-hour comedy drama from AWG Pathways writers Kristen Dunphy (The Principal, East West 101) and Michelle Offen (Hyde & Seek, East West 101).

Traces of Nuts brings to life the nightmare of modern parenting at Coddle Street Primary School: a world where helicopter parents hover nervously over their nut-free, lactose-intolerant, phobia-ridden offspring, and where Tiger Dads, Bulldozer Mums and Free Rangers face off with buckets and spades in the sandpit of parenting rivalry.

Tim Pye, Scripted Ink’s head of Development, has great aspirations for the project. “Kristen and Michelle are a dynamic writing team with fantastic drama and comedy instincts. Traces of Nuts is an idea born of their direct experience. I can’t wait to see what they come up with”, Tim said.

Michelle and Kristen have been working on Traces of Nuts for a number of years and now, thanks to Scripted Ink, have the time to develop and shape the project. “We are deeply grateful to Scripted Ink for this gift – the gift of time – to take our helicopter parenting idea to pitch and script stage”, they said.

Time is particularly valuable to Michelle. “Juggling full-time freelance writing and parenting means there’s rarely enough time to develop my own projects, even on the laptop in the car while the kids are at training (netball/ footy/gymnastics/drama/athletics). I was delighted to have the opportunity to abandon my children for a few days of heavenly brainstorming with other funny-boned writer/parents, who brought completed homework books of hilarious ideas and personal experiences to the room”, she said.

Kristen, is delighted by the creative freedom that Scripted Ink’s support provides. “Scripted Ink has allowed us the freedom, as originating writers, to birth our helicopter parenting series without the constraints of other stakeholders at this early stage. I can’t wait to show off ‘Traces of Nuts’ in the Easter Hat Parade that is the TV comedy market.”